Standard Treatment The treatment for Stage IIIA patients is combination chemotherapy such as MOPP, ABVD, MOPP alternating with ABVD or the MOPP-ABV hybrid.
For patients with Stage IIIA disease with bulky masses, both chemotherapy and irradiation are recommended.
Five-Year Survival 65 to 85 percent
• New chemotherapy combinations, alone or together with radiotherapy .
Stage IIIB and Stage IV
Standard Treatment Combination chemotherapy with MOPP, ABVD, the MOPP-ABV hybrid and MOPP alternated with ABVD. Recent studies have demonstrated the superiority of ABVD alone or in combination with MOPP over MOPP alone. The alternating and hybrid regimens were of equal efficacy in two clinical trials .
Radiation therapy may be added to sites of bulky disease.